In this nine week summer program undergraduate students experience independent research in combinatorics, number theory, algebra, and game theory motivated by applications to search optimization, information security, or genome biology. The program aims to immerse participants of diverse backgrounds in all facets of research in mathematics, and in applications to information security or the life sciences in a culture of close and daily collaboration with faculty.
While participating in the program students will be able to:
- Attend guest lectures by mathematicians and scientists.
- Participate in scientific seminars addressing mathematical techniques used in information security and genome remodeling.
- Participate in professional development workshops addressing research presentation skills, scientific writing and ethics.
- Be part of the summer community of collaborators, students and faculty, from all STEM disciplines and programs on campus.
- Experience mentoring high school fellows of the NASA-based Idaho Science and Aerospace Scholars Program.
- Opportunities to present summer research results at the 2019 Joint Mathematics Meetings.
- Opportunity to present at the 2018 Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research (ICUR).
- Enjoy the various cultural and social activities in and around Boise.
Benefits include:
- Receive $4,000 stipend,
- free on campus housing and
- an allowance for meals
- Receive three upper division undergraduate college credits from Boise State University.
Application Deadline: March 1, 2018
If you have any questions about finding summer research or you need assistance with you application, please contact Dr. April Householder,