Don't miss the chance to apply to the Nebraska-Lincoln Summer Research Program (SRP)! This 10-week residential summer research experience provides mentoring and research participation while allowing scholars to preview graduate school life at a research university. One unique feature of the Nebraska Summer Research Program is the partnership between the REU and SROP programs and the Office of Graduate Studies. Students benefit in having a community of scholars in which to learn and to share research with.Students with a strong interest in graduate programs are particularly encouraged to apply, as are those from populations traditionally underrepresented in graduate education.
Benefits for participants include:
- $5,000 - $6,000 competitive stipends,
- Suite-style housing and meal plan
- travel/transport coverage,
- graduate school preparation workshops,
- social and networking activities, and more.
Summer 2018 research programs include:
- Applied Plant Systems
- Bioenergy Systems
- Biomedical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Integrated Agronomic Systems
- Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC)
- Minority Health Disparities
- Nanohybrid Functional Materials
- Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure
- Redox Biology
- Sustainability of Civil Infrastructures in Rural Environments
- Systems Biology of Plant and Microbiome
- Unmanned Systems
- Virology
Priority Deadline: FEB 1, 2018
Regular Deadline: MAR 1, 2018
If you have any questions about finding summer research or you need assistance with your application, please contact Dr. April Householder,