Tarek Antar, Psychology
Examining the Role of Parental and Peer Religious Socialization in the Development of Muslim-American Adolescents’ Religious and National Identities
Mohammed Arafat, Psychology
An Exploration of Muslim-American Adolescents' Perceptions of the Recent Political Climate
Peter Bailer, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Synthesis of a PEG hydrogel and collagen mesh to protect surface bound electrochemical aptamer-based biosensors from catalyzed degradation by RNAse
Adnan Baker-Agha and Dhruvil Patel, Chemistry
Nylon-inspired Polymers Containing Reversible Iron-chelated Linkages
Kojo Bonsu, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Analysis of Glycolytic Multienyme Complex Formation
Kevin Chen, Biological Sciences
Uncovering the Link Between a Sugar-induced Change in Gut Microbiome and
Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer
Nicole Couturier, Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering
Monitoring Blood Biomarkers of Immune Responses before and after Therapy in a Mouse Melanoma Model
Lorraine Dell'Acqua, Psychology
An Investigative Analysis of Potential Change in D1-D2 Receptors of Rat Brains
Exposed to Threshold Levels of Particle Radiation
James Raynard Dizon, Chemical Engineering
Testing Nanoparticle-Delivered Antimalarials for Treatment of Lupus
Anna Feerick, Chemical Engineering
Detection of Contaminants within Chesapeake Bay Water, Sediment, and Oysters
David Fialkow, Physics
Characterizing the Mechanical Oscillatory Properties of Nanostructures
Alex Getachew, Interdisciplinary Studies
The Impact of Arts Integration on the Learning Identity of Sixth Grade Students inAnne Arundel County Public Schools
Casey Haines, Biological Sciences
Response of Eastern Bluebirds (Salias salias) to Playbacks of Male and Female
Jordan Harper, Interdisciplinary Studies
Envisioning a Thriving Democratic Culture
Phillip Hilliard, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Automated Analysis and Prediction of Entity-based Sentiment Framing
Mark Horton, Computer Engineering
Human-in-the-Loop Model Improvement and Implementation for Efficient Deep
Reinforcement Learning
Adursh Iyer, Physics and Mathematics
Searching for Gamma-ray Emission from Black Hole Jets
Hannah Jackson, Modern Languages and Linguistics
Second Language Acquisition through Improv
Matthew Kane, Biological Sciences
Cats and Rats vs. the Bahama Oriole: Assessing the Threat of Invasive Species to a Critically Endangered Species
Jeremy Keaton, Music
Writing Chamber Music at Summer Composition Festival
Caroline Larkin, Biological Sciences
Inferring Mathematical Dynamic Models of Tumor Sub-clonal Interactions to Predict Optimal Treatment Targets
Kasey Mannion, Dance
An Exploration in the Development of Contemporary Dance
Cierra McKoy, Biological Sciences
Geographic Variation in the Vocalizations of An Endangered Oriole
Stephanie Milani, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
Integrating Ethical Reasoning into the Abstract Markov Decision Process Framework
Morgan Miller, History
Giving a Voice to the Voiceless
Rachel Morin, Physics
Microscopic Processes that Shape the High Energy Universe: An Artist View for the Rest of Us
Karla Negrete, Mechanical Engineering
Preparation of Gel Polymer Electrolyte with Enhanced Ionic Conductivity for Zn Based Batteries
Adam Ng, History
Conservative Responses to British Fascism in the 1930s
Howard Nicholson, Chemical Engineering
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Biosensors
Drue Nixon, Interdisciplinary Studies *Entrepreneurship URA
Ella and Ida Summer Camp
Anna Gifty Opoku-Agyeman, Mathematics, Economics
The Impact of Early Childhood Malaria on Educational Attainment in Ghana
Angela Ossana, Chemical Engineering
Infrared Emission Spectroscopy Techniques
Hye Jin Park, Psychology
The Role of Marital Quality and Parenting in Korean-American Children's Social Problem-solving Reasoning Skills
Rishit Patel, Biological Sciences
Effect of Electronic Liquid Components on Morphology and Electrophysiology of Olfactory Tissue
Alexia Petasis, Interdisciplinary Studies
Confronting Social Issues through Translational Choreography
Zane Poffenberger, Political Science
The Italian State: How do Political Party Manifestos Impact and Shape National Policy towards the Migrant Crisis?
Raj Purohit, Chemical Engineering
an Aspergillus nidulans PodB Mutant to Express High Levels of Recombinant GFP
Mia Rickenbach, Theatre *Entrepreneurship URA
Create Freedom
Victoria Rottman, Environmental Science & Geography
The Effects of Stream Contaminants on Terrestrial Ecology
Joy Roy and Eric Cheung, Biological Sciences
Centralizing Gene Expression Patterns with Mathematical Databases
Jeremy Rubin, Mathematics and Statistics
Data Analysis to Understand the Key Roles of Histone Methyltransferases in the Modification of Chromatin to Regulate Gene Expression
Scott Sainz, Theatre
Alternative Theatrical Lighting Control System
Arman Setser, Physics
Quantum Error Correction Using A Gradient-based Optimization Approach
Miles Smith, Mechanical Engineering
Multidisciplinary Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Research for Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems
Kristina Soetje, Environmental Science, Visual Arts
Species Abundance and Richness Outcomes of 2018 Mudslide Deposits on Montecito, California Beaches
Meredith Sperling, Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics
The Role of Remote Sensing Technology in Improving Wind Power Predictions
Ariana Taj, Biological Sciences
Prostate Specific P53 Knockout Model
Aline Thompson, Gender and Women's Studies
Red Streaks Under a Silver Sun: Queer Resistance in “Mirror’s Edge”
Manos Tzortzakakis, Chemical Engineering
A Calorimetric Approach to Structure-Reactivity Correlation in Epoxide Cross-linking Reactions
Maxi Wardcantori, English
Translating Chastity: Representing Shakespeare’s Women on Contemporary Stages
Mia Wessel, Chemistry and Biochemistry
Synthesis of Gadolinium-containing Dendrons for Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Cancer
Linda Wiratan, Biological Sciences
Effect of Jasmonic Acid Analog Induced Defense on Circadian Rhythm in Arabidopsis
Briana Yancy, Geography and Environmental Science
Nesting Habitat Requirements of the Critically Endangered Bahama Oriole
Want to be a URA Scholar? See: ur.umbc.edu/ura or aprilh@umbc.edu for more information.