Getting involved in research helps you network with faculty both on and off campus, strengthen your resume for graduate school, professional school, and employment, support your artistic vision, and helps you apply what they’ve learned in the classroom in a research setting. UMBC has several programs that support undergraduate research:
Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement Day (URCAD) features research, scholarship, and creative work carried out by UMBC undergraduates. Student work is shared through oral presentations, posters, artistic exhibits, performances, and film.
Undergraduate Research Awards (URA) provide up to $1,500 to undergraduate students to support their research or creative work with a UMBC faculty mentor on an original project. UMBC students of all years and disciplines are invited to apply.
UMBC Review (Journal of Undergraduate Research) Published annually, this peer-reviewed journal features academic papers written by UMBC undergraduates.
Travel Awards Students who are invited to present their work at a conference or festival may apply for funds to support their travel.
Research Opportunities Assistance with finding and applying to summer REUs and other research opportunities.
Prestigious Scholarships Support for students applying for prestigious scholarships such as Rhodes, Gates-Cambridge, Marshall, Truman, Goldwater, and others.
For more information, contact Dr. April Householder at or visit: