Program: We are currently seeking applications to our NSF-sponsored REU-Raptor Research Site for Summer 2019. REU-Raptor Research partners the Raptor Research Center at Boise State University, The Peregrine Fund, Inc., Intermountain Bird Observatory, College of Western Idaho, the U.S. Geological Survey, and the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Area to facilitate field and laboratory research opportunities for undergraduates. Participants spend 10 weeks in Idaho focused on individual research projects under the guidance of research mentors from academia, government, and NGOs and participate in a core professional development program that includes focus on responsible conduct of research, science communication, and preparation for graduate school. The summer research experience culminates with a statewide interdisciplinary undergraduate research conference (ICUR) and opportunities for national conference travel.
In addition to the mentored research experience, participants receive (1) a $5250 stipend, (2) free housing in a residence hall, (3) round-trip travel assistance, and (4) some compensation for food.
Eligibility: Undergraduate student participants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who will not graduate until at least December 2019.
We are especially interested in receiving applications from groups underrepresented in science (i.e., women and racial minorities), first generation college students or those with disabilities, veterans of military service, and students from institutions where research opportunities in STEM are limited.
18 February 2019: applications due
22 May - 31 July, 2019
For more information about research projects, research mentors, and FAQs as well as to apply for participation, please see the project web site