Summer Undergraduate Research Program
Ten Week Program - May 26 - August 2, 2019
2018 Summer Fellows
Program Description
The University of Massachusetts Medical School (UMMS) Summer Undergraduate Research Program is a non-credit, ten-week, structured research experience. The program consists of "hands-on" laboratory research with an investigator serving as a mentor, role model and advisor.
The Summer Undergraduate Research Program is funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and UMMS Provost’s Office.
The program is designed to provide participants in-depth exposure to actual biomedical research. Participants will develop career-building connections with faculty, postdocs, graduate students, and peers. The program encourages participants to consider biomedical research as a viable career choice. Over 33% of former participants have subsequently pursued MD, PhD or MD/PhD training.
Why should I apply?
• Immersive experience preforming cutting edge research in a broad range of topic areas including: Cancer Biology, Immunology & Infectious Disease,Neuroscience, and Bioinformatics.
• Summer Research Fellows receive a stipend of $4000. Stipends are paid to participants in three payments over the ten-week program.
• Travel and housing are paid for and arranged by the program.
• Participants engage in networking sessions with UMMS leaders, faculty and trainees.
• Participants prepare and present a professional research poster. Poster may be subsequently presented at national scientific conferences.
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