Baltimore Traces: West Baltimore Street Stories (panel)
DeAndre Bright, Tony Cano, Christian Howe, Adam Czarnecki, Daniel Eiskant
Oral, 1:45, UC 312
"A Model of a Negro Village": How Environmental Racism Affects the Health of African-Americans in Cherry Hill
Lydia Coley, American Studies
Poster, 1-2:30, UC Ballroom
Combating Academic Inequity: A Community-based Approach to Cultivating a Love for STEM within Students of Color
Shadia Musa, American Studies
Oral, 2:15, UC 310
The Baltimore Sun's Reporting Legacy: Understanding the White Press and Lynching Coverage
Julia Arbutus, English
Oral, 11:45, UC 310
H.L. Mencken – Disturber of the Peace – in the 21st Century
Ryan Mohler, English
Oral, 1:15 UC 312
Arushi Aneja
Oral, 10:15, FA Recital Hall
An Exploration of the Social Aspects of the Maryland Medical Cannabis Program
Amy Cruz, Gender and Women's Studies
Poster, 10-11:30, UC Ballroom
The Use and Accessibility of Contraception for College-Aged Female Students at UMBC
Gabriela Salas, Gender and Women's Studies
Oral, 10:00, UC 312
So Now You Like the Confederacy? Western Maryland's Change in Civl War Support
Keller Falkenstein, History
Oral, 11:00, UC 312
Did you Serve at Antietam? Civil War Veterans, 75 Years Later
Michelle Oliver, History
Oral, 3:00, UC 312
From Crime Scene to Tourist Attraction: The Evolution of Ford's Theatre, 1865-2019
Jeanette Richardson, History
Oral, 2:15, UC 312
Oh Maryland, My Maryland: The Civil War Roots of the Maryland State Flag
Catherine Sansone, History
Poster, 10-11:30, UC Ballroom
The Impact Of Arts Integration On Learning Identity For 6th Grade Social Studies Students In Anne Arundel County (AACPS)
Alexander Getachew, INDS
Poster, 10-11:00, UC Ballroom
From Harlem To HACA: The Changing Landscape Of Annapolis' "Old Fourth Ward"
Graham Whaples, American Studies
Oral, 1:30, UC 204
Der Deutsche Correspondent: The Role Of Baltimore's Daily German Newspaper During World War I
Matthieu Carral-Viens, MLLI
Poster, 1-2:30, UC Ballroom
Postmaterialism and the 2018 Midterm Elections In Baltimore County
Dave Tandy, Political Science
Poster, 1-2:30, UC Ballroom
Is Baltimore City Meeting the Needs Of Students: The Integration Of Latinx Students Into Baltimore City Schools
Maia Parker, Education
Poster, 1-2:30, UC Ballroom
Antibiotics, Hormones, and Sunscreens in the Choptank River
Anna Feerick, Environmental Engineering
Oral, 2:45pm, UC 204
What Happened to Franklin Square Park? Understanding Park Quality through Historical and Present Day Contexts
Milan Brown, Geography and Environmental Systems
Poster, 10-11:30am, UC Ballroom
Ceilometer Comparisons and what their Data Says about Backscatter and PBL
Wambugu Kironji, Physics
Poster, 10-11:30am, UC Ballroom
URCAD is Wednesday, April 24th from 9am-4pm. Mark your calendars! Come support these students!