Come see these student athletes perform off the field!
URCAD is Wednesday, April 24th from 9am-4pm.
Brittany Driscoll, Women's Swimming and Diving, Biological Sciences
3D Reconstruction Of Stomatopod Brain
Poster, 1-2:30pm, UC Ballroom
Keller Falkenstein, Men's Lacrosse, History
So Now You Like The Confederacy? Western Maryland's Change in Civil War Support
Oral presentation, 11-11:15, UC 312
Ilia Rattsev, Men's Swimming and Diving, Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Extrapolating New Molecular Connections From Cancer Genomic Data
Poster, 10-11:30am, UC Ballroom
Miles Smith, Men's Cross Country, Mechanical Engineering
Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Research For Self-sustainable Wind Turbine Monitoring Systems
Poster, 1-2:30pm, UC Ballroom