Join us for Virtual URCAD, April 22-29, 2020!
You will be able to view student presentations and interact with the presenters.
Shwikar Abdelrahman | Psychology
The Abundance of Fentanyl
Mentor: Brittany Patterson
Ghina Ammar | Psychology
Discrimination and Heart Rate Change from Day to Night in Young Black Adults
Mentor: Danielle Beatty Moody
Shani Avnaim | Psychology
Women's Perspectives on Perpetrating Partner Abusive Behavior
Mentor: Christopher Murphy
Kylie Barrett| Psychology
Race and Restorative Practices in Maryland School Systems
Mentor: Ken Maton
Michael Brisbane| Psychology
What is the Effect of The Writing Center as it Relates to Transfer Students and Persistence?
Mentor: Diane Alonso
Dawn Bunch| Psychology
Examining a Web-based Training for Social Workers on the Benefits of Early Psychosis Screening
Mentor: Jason Schiffman
Olga Gorbachev | Psychology
An Experimental Analysis of the Effect of Binauralbeats on Memory
Mentor: Diane Alonso
Kai Hajos, Jessica Kweon, Swati Singh| Psychology
How Mentorship Mediates Relationships Between Social Integration and Retention of Female STEM Major Meyerhoff Scholars
Mentor: Mariano Sto. Domingo
Tyra Hill | Psychology
Do Intimate Partner Violent Men with a History of Childhood Maltreatment Have Higher Recidivism Rates After Treatment?
Mentor: Christopher Murphy
Dinita Mani| Psychology
From B.S. To B.A: Psychosocial Factors Influencing Changes In STEM Majors Among Underrepresented Minority Students
Mentor: Mariano St. Domingo
Phoebe Mariano, Vivian Jiang, Ruth Chapman, Jessica Strauss, Leah Fournier| Psychology
Gender and Race Influence the Association of Anxiety With Psychosocial Variables
Mentor: Raimi Quiton
Robert Maxwell| Psychology
Asian American Children’s Effortful Control Mediates Maternal Positive Expressivity and Child Socioemotional Outcomes
Mentor: Charissa Cheah
Kimberly Mitchell, Brianna Georges | Psychology
Positive Mood Mediates the Association Between Stigma and Sickle Cell Pain
Mentor: Shawn Bediako
Tyler Moore| Psychology
Which School Readiness Skills do Latino Parents Value and How Do They Think These Skills Are Learned?
Mentor: Susan Sonneschein
Lindsay Mountcastle | Psychology
The Relation Between Parenting and Pain Perception in Children |
Mentor: Lynnda Dahlquist
Jamie Nathlar| Psychology
An Analysis of the Effects of Various Meditations on Reaction Time in Older Adults
Mentor: Diane Alonso
Anthony Owusu, Kamal Abro| Psychology
Racial Centrality and Sickle Cell Disease Pain: The Moderating Role of Private Regard
Mentor: Shawn Bediako
Hye-Jin Park | Psychology
Contributions of Parental Control and Self-Regulation Skills to Korean American Children’s Behavioral Outcomes |
Mentor: Charissa Cheah
Jonnalyn Price | Psychology
Reported Helpfulness of Formal and Informal Intimate Partner Violence Response Strategies
Mentor: Christopher Murphy
Mackenzie Primrose, David Horsey| Psychology
Coping Strategies and Chronic Anger in Diverse Emerging Adults
Mentor: Danielle Beatty Moody
Ozair Qazi | Psychology
Contributions of Maternal Mental Health, Parenting and Marital Relationship to East Asian American Children’s Adjustment |
Mentor: Charissa Cheah
Sara Reagan| Psychology
The Long-Term Outcomes of Childhood Tourette Syndrome: A Systematic Review
Mentor: Joseph McGuire
Christa Reyes| Psychology
The Relationship of Social and Emotional Learning and Restorative Practices in Schools
Mentor: Ken Maton
Ayo Telli, Aryn Dougherty, Ashani Jayasekera, Kollin Miner, Lindsey Mountcastle, Angel Munoz-Osorio, Raquel Castillo| Psychology
The Comparison of Virtual Reality and Cell Phone Distractors as an Influence on the Perception of Acute Pain
Mentor: Lynnda Dahlquist
Briscoe Turner, Kyra Malone, Elizabeth Janson, Jabarey Wells| Psychology
Impact of Experiences of Rejection on Health-Related Quality of Life for Previously Incarcerated Individuals
Mentor: Bronwyn Hunter