Mickayla Bacorn | Modern Languages, Linguistics, and Intercultural Communication
Comparing English As A Second Language (ESL) Education Between the United States and Colombia
Mentor: Tania Lizarazo
Hayat Mawi| Education
The Trend of the Period: How Design and Inquiry Can Support Learning
Mentor: Jonathan Singer
Manuel Miranda | Physics
Remote Sensing of Particle Pollution Over Baltimore
Mentor: Ruben Delgado
Nihira Mugamba| Political Science
Establishing Food Inequality in Baltimore City: The Influence of Race and Poverty on Food Insecurity
Mentor: Carolyn Forestiere
Christa Reyes| Psychology
The Relationship of Social and Emotional Learning and Restorative Practices in Schools
Mentor: Ken Maton
Christine Winkler | Education
Conclusions C-E-R-tain to Win: An Implementation of the CER Method To Improve Conclusion Writing
Mentor: Jonathan Singer