This is Ms. Constance (Connie) Throneberry of the Deep Suburban Western Area. She predicts that she will quite easily win the URCAD selfie contest.
"I have hundreds of nearly-perfect selfies," averred Throneberry, who was interviewed while riding her bike on a treacherous mountain path. "I know that people like pictures of cats and pandas and all that, but my selfies are much more interesting."
Think you can beat Ms. Connie Throneberry?
Upload your original photos to FaceBook, Instagram and/or Twitter using #umbcURCAD for a chance to win one of four gift cards to the UMBC Bookstore!
- Best Overall Selfie: Take a photo with a UMBC notable… (President Hrabowski, Provost Rous, Dean Cole…) or ??! … get creative!
- Best with Mentor
- Best “making of” VT presentation
- Best with Presentation
Post your photos by 12pm on Monday, May 4, 2020 for a chance to win a gift card to the UMBC Bookstore!