Advance registration for Fall begins on Monday, April 2, 2018. The schedule appears on-line Monday, March 26.
The Registrar’s Office has posted the attached schedule of registration eligibility dates and times. To determine your eligibility time, check your academic record to see how many credits you have already completed; this total does not include credits on your current schedule so you need to deduct those credits from the total credit count on degree audit.
1. Schedule an advising appointment prior to your registration eligibility date. Some advisors will post sign-up sheets on their office doors in the next week, while others prefer to schedule appointments via email.
2. Faculty contact information (office location, email, phone extension, current teaching schedule) is available on the department web site: http://art.umbc.edu/. If you have questions about when your advisor will be available to meet, please use this contact info to reach him/her directly.
The Summer 2018 Schedule of Classes is already available for review. Over 100 required and general education (GEP) courses are offered - including many hybrid and online courses. Summer registration began Monday, March 5. Advising clearance is not required for summer registration.
WAIT-LIST refresher:
- If a course fills, you may have the option to add your name to a wait-list.
- You can be on wait-lists for up to 10 credits only (in any combination of courses) at one time.
- If a seat becomes available, the course will reopen and the first student on the wait-list will be automatically enrolled unless there is a conflict with a course already on the student schedule. In that case, the first student remains on the wait-list and the next student on the list is auto-enrolled.
- You will be notified by email when a course is added to your schedule this way.
- If you are not auto-enrolled, but are granted permission to add a course, you first must "drop" the course for which you are wait-listed and then add it again.
Advance registration for Fall begins on Monday, April 2, 2018. The schedule appears on-line Monday, March 26.
The Registrar’s Office has posted the attached schedule of registration eligibility dates and times. To determine your eligibility time, check your academic record to see how many credits you have already completed; this total does not include credits on your current schedule so you need to deduct those credits from the total credit count on degree audit.
Remember - this is just an eligibility schedule! To be able to register at your scheduled time, you must first meet with your advisor and obtain advising clearance!
How to obtain required advising clearance so that you can register at your scheduled time:
The attached lists show advising assignments for visual arts studio majors who have passed the portfolio review as well as visual arts majors in the Art History and Museum Studies concentration.
IF YOU MET WITH ME LAST SEMESTER: please be sure to check the attached list to see if you have been assigned to a new advisor. (All majors are assigned to me when first admitted and are later reassigned to faculty advisors in the selected concentration.) An asterisk* next to an advisor’s name means that this is a new advisor for you.
If I am listed as your advisor (on the attached list): my advising appointment sheets will be posted on Monday, March 5th (outside my office door: FA108A). Please stop by and sign up for a time.
How to obtain required advising clearance so that you can register at your scheduled time:
The attached lists show advising assignments for visual arts studio majors who have passed the portfolio review as well as visual arts majors in the Art History and Museum Studies concentration.
IF YOU MET WITH ME LAST SEMESTER: please be sure to check the attached list to see if you have been assigned to a new advisor. (All majors are assigned to me when first admitted and are later reassigned to faculty advisors in the selected concentration.) An asterisk* next to an advisor’s name means that this is a new advisor for you.
If I am listed as your advisor (on the attached list): my advising appointment sheets will be posted on Monday, March 5th (outside my office door: FA108A). Please stop by and sign up for a time.
1. Schedule an advising appointment prior to your registration eligibility date. Some advisors will post sign-up sheets on their office doors in the next week, while others prefer to schedule appointments via email.
2. Faculty contact information (office location, email, phone extension, current teaching schedule) is available on the department web site: http://art.umbc.edu/. If you have questions about when your advisor will be available to meet, please use this contact info to reach him/her directly.
Interested in a Summer course?
The Summer 2018 Schedule of Classes is already available for review. Over 100 required and general education (GEP) courses are offered - including many hybrid and online courses. Summer registration began Monday, March 5. Advising clearance is not required for summer registration.
WAIT-LIST refresher:
- If a course fills, you may have the option to add your name to a wait-list.
- You can be on wait-lists for up to 10 credits only (in any combination of courses) at one time.
- If a seat becomes available, the course will reopen and the first student on the wait-list will be automatically enrolled unless there is a conflict with a course already on the student schedule. In that case, the first student remains on the wait-list and the next student on the list is auto-enrolled.
- You will be notified by email when a course is added to your schedule this way.
- If you are not auto-enrolled, but are granted permission to add a course, you first must "drop" the course for which you are wait-listed and then add it again.