The Career Center invites students in the following majors to join us for a visit to T. Rowe Price's Innovation Lab: Graphic Design, Information Systems, Human-Centered Computing, Computer Science, and all related majors. RSVP to reserve your spot!
WHAT: "On the Road" to the T. Rowe Price Innovation Lab
WHERE: Linthicum Heights, MD
WHEN: Friday, Oct. 19, 9:30-12:30 (bus departs from UMBC at 9:30 a.m. sharp)
RSVP REQUIRED! Log in to UMBCworks, click Events > Information Sessions, and search for T. Rowe Price. Please note, space is limited.
You may know T. Rowe Price as a well-known financial investment firm. But their Innovation Lab (also know as the Client Experience & Delivery Transformation Lab) houses a team of designers, developers, and data scientists who focus specifically on the "client journeys," or digital experiences and interfaces.
We will get a tour of their modern, communal workspace, learn about internship/job opportunities across the whole organization, and hear from employees about their specific work in user experience.
Let me know if you have questions!
Kacie Lawrence
Associate Director of Internships & Employment
UMBC Career Center