The organizers acknowledge the following individuals and departments for their assistance and support: Dean Scott Casper and the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, all the faculty, staff, student assistants and interns of the CADVC and the Department of Visual Arts, and Professor Margaret Re. We also extend our gratitude to the teachers and students of Lansdowne High School.
Stop, Drop & Repeat: Patterns from the Lansdowne Designers
CADVC's K-12 Ed Outreach Exhibition, 1st floor Fine Arts
November 15 - December 13, 2018
Students from Lansdowne High School were introduced to vector software and will showcase their design skills in pieces inspired by their favorite things. This exhibition is inspired by the students' visit to the CADVC exhibition, "A Designed Life: Contemporary American Textiles, Wallpapers and Containers & Packages, 1951-1954," curated by Professor Margaret Re, Visual Arts.