The intern would gain experience in an award-winning design studio, contributing to projects that
help advance UMBC’s mission and vision. This position would primarily focus on improving image
searches in our archives by tagging photos using programs like Adobe Bridge, Lightroom, and
Photoshop, and UMBC’s Box account. In addition to consistent work on the archives, the intern
would be able to grow their own skills in concentrations like photography and design, assisting on
assignments and projects as needed and as applicable to their skill set. The intern would be given
guidance on best practices for photography, editing, and design. The position can work up to 10
hours per week (with a exible weekly schedule), pays $12/hour, and works on location in Creative
Services on a studio provided iMac. An ideal candidate will have photography experience and an
interest in pursuing photojournalistic assignments and should be well versed in Adobe’s Creative
Cloud suite of programs. Candidates should be in the Visual Arts program, or be working towards
a major that focuses on photojournalism, archiving, or museum studies. Selected applicant would
ideally begin over the summer and work through the fall semester.
Interested students should apply by emailing a resume and cover letter to If applicable, candidates may also submit a photo and/or design portfolio of 7-10 pieces, but it is not mandatory. For best consideration, please send all application materials to Creative Services by May 31, 2019, for review.