Please check out this new course ART 400-Teaching Agent = Change Agent.
Course Description:
course is designed for interdisciplinary Dance, Music, Theatre, Visual
Arts, Individualized Study, Media Communication Studies, and English
majors. Students are introduced to the "teaching artist" career path
within the K-12 school system, and will gain networking and
entrepreneur/ professional skills, including an understanding of the
K-12 culture. They will be introduced to various nonprofit agencies
that will collaborate with teachers and their students on a capstone
project. Students will leave the course with connections and skills to
pursue a Teaching Artist career path.Several class sessions will be held
off campus at one of the North Anne Arundel County partnerships.
Recommended Preparation: ART 215 or ENTR 200 or ENTR 201, passed with a
'C' or better.
When & Where:
Day & Time:
Thursday 2:00PM - 5:40PM
Thursday 2:00PM - 5:40PM
LocationFine Arts 207C