Dear Students,
The Summer 2020 schedule of classes is now live. The Summer Session is a great way for you to catch up on courses you may be behind on, such as major, elective, or GEP courses.
Students are able to take up to 8 credits per session. Registration clearance is not required for summer session.Advising is recommended, but not required.
If you need any help selecting courses, please do not hesitate to contact me for assistance. Thank you.
Brittney Stephenson
Visual Arts Summer Courses
ART | 210 | Visual Concepts I |
ART | 214 | Drawing I/Beginning Drawing |
ART | 216 |
Studies in Visual Culture (Prehistory through the 1750s)-Part of the Rome, Italy Study Abroad Trip |
ART | 314 | Drawing II |
ART | 329 |
Topics in Art History and Visual Culture
: Roman Visual Culture -Part of the Rome, Italy Study Abroad Trip |
ART | 367 | Alternative Processes |
ART | 369 |
Topics in Photography
: Mobile Imaging in Italy-Part of the Rome, Italy Study Abroad Trip |
ART | 392 | Topics in Art or Media I : Mobile Imaging in Italy -Part of the Rome, Italy Study Abroad Trip |
ART | 392 | Topics in Art or Media I : Children's Book Illustr & Pub |
ART | 392 | Topics in Art or Media I : Painting in Color: It's a Mood |
ART | 392 | Topics in Art or Media I : Design Portfolio Development |