National Call For Unity: One Voice For Survivors Justice
Domestic Violence Awareness Month 2020
**Repost from The National Resource Center on
Domestic Violence.**
**See the original event post here.**
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM).
Join We Believe You on Thursday, October 1, 2020, 3:00-4:30 pm est. as we come together for the National Call For Unity in recognition of DVAM 2020. This virtual event is hosted by The National Resource Center on Domestic Violence. Register Here.
Event Description:
"Every year the National Call for Unity kicks off Domestic Violence Awareness Month by offering an opportunity to mourn, celebrate, and connect with advocates from national, state, and community-based organizations, governmental agencies, allied movements, survivors and their family and friends. The 2020 video call featured stories of perseverance, resilience and strength, each speaker will offer their personal stories of inspiration to do this work."