Orientation 2018: O-Team Application Information
Thank you for your interest in being a part of the O-Team! As an O-Team member, you would have an opportunity to be a part of one or more of the following areas:
Summer Orientation: a day-long event designed to provide new students with the opportunity to meet other new students, meet an advisor to register for classes, and meet faculty and staff while also learning more about everything UMBC has to offer
- Orientation Peer Advisors (OPAs) will work with over 3,000 incoming freshmen and transfer students and their families to serve as a resource for their transition to UMBC
- Welcome Week: a week and a half long series of social and educational events designed to help new students meet other students and learn about opportunities in and out of the classroom
- Welcome Week Leaders (Woolies) will develop relationships and encourage a group of 25-35 new students to engage with Welcome Week events while also helping with the logistics of Welcome Week
Introduction to an Honors University (IHU) Seminar/Transfer (TRS) Seminar/Computing (COMP): a semester-long course designed to help new students develop academic skills and learn about campus resources for college success
- Peer Facilitators will co-teach, on a weekly basis, an IHU/TRS/COMP course with a staff instructor during the fall and/or spring semester
Application Process:
- Application is now LIVE! Apply online at: https://goo.gl/forms/XixPDIB1hOkRZ9QS2
- Applications are due online by Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 12 PM
- All applicants will participate in a Group Interview as well as an Individual Interview
- Group Interviews will take place on either Thursday, March 1 or Friday, March 2, 2018
- Individual Interviews will take place on either Tuesday, March 6, Thursday, March 8, or Friday, March 9, 2018
- Decision emails for all positions will be sent out around Friday, March 16, 2018
Selection Criteria:
- Must be a current undergraduate student who has completed at least one semester at UMBC
- Must be in good judicial and academic standing (at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA)
- We are looking for a diverse group of students who possess the following:
- A desire and the ability to work with a diverse group of students, families, faculty, and staff
- Excellent communication skills, both oral and written
- Leadership potential and problem-solving skills
Contact orientationteam@umbc.edu for more information!