Women's Center
Institutional Group • 370 people
Files / The Clothesline Project Information and Resources

How To Get Involved with the Clothesline Project at UMBC

The Clothesline Project (CLP) started in 1990 in Hyannis, MA as another way to address the issue of violence against women.  It was decided to do a clothesline because of the history of many women in close-knit neighborhoods traditionally exchanging information over backyard fences while hanging laundry out to dry. Since 1990, the CLP has become a vehicle for women (and all individuals) affected by violence to express their emotions by decorating a shirt to give voice to their experience. They then hang the shirt on a clothesline to be viewed by others as testimony to the problem of violence against women.

At UMBC, we recognize that sexual assault and relationship violence especially impacts women but also is an experience that impacts men and transgender individuals. Any person impacted by interpersonal violence is welcomed to share their story and participate in the Project.  

The Women's Center hosts a Clothesline Project twice a year, once in October in recognition of Relationship Violence Awareness Month and once in April in recognition of Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Prior to those events, the Women's Center hosts multiple opportunities in April and October for the campus community to make shirts to add to the Project. 

If you are a survivor or secondary survivor of relationship violence or sexual assault and would like to make a shirt to help you in your healing journey the Women's Center would be happy to accommodate your request at any point during the year. Simply stop by, call, or email (womenscenter@umbc.edu) to set up a time for us to make the supplies available to you.

The Women's Center also welcomes volunteers to help set-up and take-down the Project. If you or your student organization would like to help, please contact Women's Center staff prior to our April or October displays.