We are looking for volunteers who are fluent Spanish speakers and are available and interested in helping with International Women’s Day. The Women’s Center is hosting a catered lunch and open house for women custodial workers on Thursday, March 12th from 11:30am-2:30pm. More than half of the custodial workers speak Spanish and we want to create space for custodial workers to be informed of all of our services. We are looking for volunteers who can give a tour in Spanish. We prefer that volunteers are available for at least a 1 hour shift. All volunteers will be trained by a Women Center Staff member on how to give a tour of the Women’s Center. All volunteers will get a free Women’s Center T-shirt and/ or Tote and provided with light refreshments.
Additional details
Shift Volunteer Opportunities
Shift 1: 11:15am-12:15pm
Shift 2: 12:15pm-1:15pm
Shift 3: 1:15pm-2:30pm
Please email Bri Gumbs at womenscenter@umbc.edu by Wednesday, March 11th. Thank you!
Please refer to the Women’s Center Mission: The Women’s Center at UMBC advances gender equity from an intersectional feminist perspective through co-curricular programming, support services, and advocacy for marginalized individuals and communities. We prioritize critical social justice as our community value, with a deliberate focus on women, gender, anti-racism, and feminism.