We're promoting the efforts of UMBC's Green Dot program during Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Please see below and submit your Green Dots to help create awareness about bystander intervention!
UMBC Green Dot is proud to be part of UMBC’s virtual Sexual Assault Awareness Month, which brings people together to create and generate discussion and skill-building on how to prevent sexual violence in our schools, workplaces, and communities. We won’t be able to physically come together this month to do the work of changing our campus culture to make sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking unacceptable. However, we have this opportunity to reflect and plan on the steps each and every one of us have taken or will take to do so.
Please take a few minutes and navigate to this page to share your Green Dots.
Tell us how you have or will take a stand to prevent power-based personal violence. We will curate and post your responses next week.
And be sure to follow UMBC Green Dot on myUMBC, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for updates and information all year long!