Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC)
Institutional Group • 295 people
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AFAC funding application for AFAC awards - updated

 AFAC Funding Application Process


The UMBC Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) has been allocated annual funding, which it uses to support adjunct faculty. The AFAC is committed to supporting adjunct faculty research and professional development.


Note: This award is capped at $500 per individual per academic year


What the award might cover or defray:

  • Expenses (travel, fees, etc.) to present at a conference – papers, panels, or visual arts/other presentations; occasionally dues/memberships where required to present
  • Expenses to present at another university – seminar presentation, demonstration, etc.
  • Support for courses or for professional training in some instances

What the award would not cover or defray:

  • Most dues for professional organizations
  • Most memberships 
  • Subscriptions to periodicals or for services
  • Expenses to attend conferences, etc., if not presenting

Funding does not allow a disproportionate amount for one individual or for a single trip. Local conferences may be a feasible option. If you have been accepted to present at a professional conference, please do apply for funding to defray all or part of your costs.


Application procedure:


1)      Send an email to the AFAC with a short, specific proposal. Include a one-page executive summary; give the time and place of the conference/seminar, name of event, and name of host institution. Document with the invitation or program; explain your participation in the conference; and/or document your acceptance. (Scan and submit copies.)

2)     Attach short bio and your credentials, your department/s at UMBC, and briefly explain your project in the context of your work at UMBC.

3)      Please include the dollar amount you are applying for, and document the costs it will defray. Briefly state whether this is supplemental funding.

4)      Only one successful application per individual per academic year.

5)    Must apply to AFAC at least 60 days before your travel/event

5)      The AFAC will read over your application and will get back to you with any questions.

6)      AFAC will decide as soon as possible whether to award funding. We enthusiastically support research and professional development by adjunct faculty.

7)      Note that we cannot pay expenses in advance. If your application is approved, the provost's office will follow up with you to reimburse expenses.

8)   [New:] Apply in advance of the conference/event, and submit request for reimbursement within ten days afterward for timely reimbursement.


NOTE: Members of the Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee are not eligible to receive AFAC awards.