Make some money, and have great interaction with students!
The Office for Academic & Pre-Professional Advising has openings available for Winter Orientation Advisors! COVID hasn’t slowed us down at all, and Orientation is proceeding as usual – except...
These resources will be available for 30 days. It was a really great session. Recording Topic: Trauma-Aware Teaching with UMBC Start Time : Oct 17, 2020 09:38 AM Expires in 11 days...
How to Approach the Classroom During Challenging Times
10:00 AM
Thanks for attending! Although AFAC had to cancel our in-person Adjunct Conference for this year, we're offering an exciting alternative: a one-hour session on this timely and relevant topic....
28 Going
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Agenda for today's meeting which will be held from 4 pm to 5 pm on Zoom. Details are in the attached Word file.
A chance for adjuncts to share their thoughts and concerns
An adjunct came to us recently and shared some concerns but mentioned that she could not make our bi-weekly meetings. That inspired us to come up with an new idea: to best serve you we need to...
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As usual, the meeting will be held from 4 to 5 pm in ADMIN 1005 (limited seating)
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Did you know adjuncts can receive unemployment benefits?
12:30 PM
Sondheim Hall : 114
Most adjunct faculty do not realize they are eligible for unemployment benefits when they do not get teaching assignments or when their assignments are reduced. This workshop will walk adjunct...
1 Going
Did you know adjuncts can receive unemployment benefits?
5:30 PM
The Commons : 329
Most adjunct faculty do not realize they are eligible for unemployment benefits when they do not get teaching assignments or when their assignments are reduced. This workshop will walk adjunct...
1 Going
Unfortunately, though not surprising, the Office of Administration and Finance has confirmed that the state salary adjustment and bonus does not apply to contractual faculty which includes adjunct...
Here are the regular meeting dates of the committee for the fall semester. AFAC Meeting Dates Fall Semester 2018 Friday, September 7 4 to 5 pm AD 1005 Friday, September 21 4...
August 2018 meeting - Agenda
Below is the draft agenda for the upcoming AFAC meeting with senior administrators. Please read/see. The agenda summarizes some of what the committee has accomplished and what it plans. ...
First recipients of provost's UMBC adjunct awards
The Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) is delighted to share the names of the three UMBC faculty members who have received the Adjunct Faculty Excellence Awards. These three recipients...
Announcing next year's committee
Here is the membership of the UMBC Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) for 2018-2019, following elections just concluded: CAHSS - Margie Burns, English (outgoing chair); Robert Bennett,...
Updated -- see items
Happy end of term! Below is a partial run-down of stipends (teaching pay) for adjunct faculty in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at UMBC. Stipends are for teaching a...
Join us 4:30 - 7:00
REMINDER to all adjunct faculty, Today is the Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee end-of-term reception University Commons Fireside Lounge (3rd floor) Any time from 4:30 to...
AFAC spring reception May 10th
For all UMBC adjunct faculty-- If you can find the time, drop in: The Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee hosts its spring 2018 reception this Thursday. Come by for good food and good...
To all adjunct faculty at UMBC: Here is the link to nominate yourself, if you wish to serve on UMBC's Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC):
New CS3 for the social sciences
The Center for Social Science Scholarship [From Dean Scott Casper,] the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences is pleased to announce the creation of The Center for Social Science...
CAHSS departments may now offer academic-year contracts
For all adjunct faculty in CAHSS: The College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences has notified departments that they now have the option to offer year-long contracts to adjunct faculty, as...
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The Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee meets with senior administrators at the end of each term. The linked file indicates work initiated or ongoing by the AFAC.
AFAC Funding Application Process The UMBC Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) has been allocated annual funding, which it uses to support adjunct faculty. The AFAC is committed to...
More updated data by department for spring 2018
Happy spring! Below is a partial run-down of stipends (teaching pay) for adjunct faculty in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at UMBC. Stipends are for teaching a 3-credit...
Spring 2018 AFAC awards to Dawson, Straus
The UMBC Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) is very pleased to name the two most recent recipients of AFAC support for their scholarly research. Professor Sandra Dawson (History)...
Take this quick survey if you haven't already taken it
Following up -- For all adjunct faculty at UMBC, Please do take the quick, easy, and confidential survey of best practices, by department, for adjunct workplace conditions. Linked here:...
Take a short survey on UMBC best practices toward adjuncts
To all adjunct faculty teaching at UMBC: Dear colleagues, The Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) is working to find out more about workplace conditions for adjunct faculty, by...
By the numbers: the importance of adjunct faculty
The University System of Maryland produces what is intended to be an annual Faculty Workload Report. See the most recent report available, for 2015-2016, attached below and linked here. A...
Reminder: AFAC professional awards for adjunct faculty
Reminder: Apply now! Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) Research and Professional Development Awards for Adjunct Faculty The UMBC Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC)...
Friday, February 23rd - hear from awardees
To all adjunct faculty teaching in the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Dean Scott Casper and the CAHSS Pedagogy and Teaching Committee, which awards the PAT (Pedagogy and...
For all adjunct faculty in CAHSS
For all UMBC adjunct faculty teaching in the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences*, the announcement below is forwarded from a message from Lisa M. Harris: Subject: Spring 2018...
Faculty awards include Adjunct Faculty Excellence Award
Happy new year to all adjunct faculty at UMBC. Drawing your attention especially to the announcement below: The College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences is pleased to announce four...
Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC)
The AFAC reception for all fall 2017 UMBC adjunct faculty is this evening. Join us if you can make time, from 4:00 - 6:30 p.m., in the Fireside Lounge, University Commons (3rd floor) Come...
Research and professional support for UMBC adjunct faculty
The Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) is pleased to announce three more awards in fall 2017: Professor Jamie Falcon (Economics) presented "Evaluating Near-Shore Spinal Injuries and...
Non-College-affiliated special election
FYI to non-College-affiliated adjunct faculty at UMBC: Nominations are now open for the special election for the Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC). This special election is for...
Deadline October 23, 2017
For all faculty in CAHSS, including adjunct faculty: The CAHSS Committee on Teaching and Learning has funding available to support faculty projects. Adjunct faculty as well as TT and...
First AFAC awards for 2017-2018
The Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee is pleased to announce two new recipients of AFAC support for adjunct faculty research and development: Roseanne Liebermann (Ancient Studies/Judaic...
Feedback welcome; join us if you can
UMBC Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee Meeting September 22, 2017 3:00 - 4:00 p.m. 1005 Administration Building AFAC monthly meeting with provost’s office – updates and...
Reminder - Apply for professional support for adjuncts!
AFAC Funding Application Process The UMBC Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) has been allocated a yearly amount of funding to support adjunct faculty. Among other activities,...
AFAC upcoming meetings scheduled for fall
AFAC Fall 2017 Payroll calendar July - October 2017: Adjunct Faculty Advisory...
AFAC members for 2017-2018
Listed below is the membership of the Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee for UMBC 2017-2018.* Contact information and department provided. College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences:...
Reminder: This is a rolling deadline
Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) Research Awards for Adjunct Faculty The UMBC Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) is pleased to announce that we still have professional...
Send in your department's information
Best Practices: A preliminary checklist When completed, the list begun below will show how academic departments at UMBC treat their adjunct faculty. All items are to be understood as criteria...
How does your department behave toward adjunct faculty?
Best Practices: A preliminary checklist The list below is a work in progress. When completed, it will show how well academic departments at UMBC treat adjunct faculty. All items are to be...
Open to all CAHSS faculty
Please see the announcement of the new CAHSS Pedagogy and Teaching Award. Posted under the CAHSS group in myUMBC. Information and the applications forms are provided for download in the...
Congratulate your adjunct colleagues on their awards!
The UMBC Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) is pleased to announce its first awards to adjunct faculty members in 2017. The awards are for research and professional development. May F....
For all UMBC adjunct faculty
What:The Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) fall 2016 gathering for all adjunct faculty at UMBC will be next Friday evening. Where: The Fireside Lounge, UMBC Commons When: ...
Special election for AFAC: vote now through Friday
To all adjunct faculty not affiliated with a College, If you teach in Africana Studies, DPG, Education, Social Work, or another division not affiliated with a College, you are eligible to vote...
The Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee by-laws were ratified with only one vote against. The by-laws were created by the AFAC with input from administration and university counsel. Ratification...
Draft for approval: Please read
The Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) has drafted Committee by-laws for ratification by all adjunct faculty. Previous drafts have been circulated and discussed in committee and with...
Deadline Sept. 23: Adjunct Faculty Welcome to Apply!
Alert: From Dean Casper, of the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences: Dear colleagues, The Dean's Office is creating a new CAHSS Faculty Teaching and Learning Awards Fund,...
For all CAHSS faculty
Forwarded from Dean Casper, to all CAHSS faculty: THE INNOVATION FOR TEACHING EFFECTIVENESS (INNOVATE) CERTIFICATE FOR CAHSS FACULTY The College of Arts, Humanities, and Social...
Three more adjunct faculty receive support
The Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee is very pleased to announce three more recipients of awards for research and professional activities, for 2015-2016. They are Professor Shobha...
A one-page summary of parking restrictions and fees
(From the Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee) For adjunct faculty who have found campus parking restrictions unclear, current conditions are summarized below. Currently there are two ways to...
Some data on adjunct pay
Hello to all. We are processing some numbers we received from Administration, on stipends for adjunct faculty at UMBC. The data received are from 2014-2015. Here are some representative...
Spring 2016 PT faculty contracts omitted an ACA statement
The Spring 2016 part-time faculty contracts are missing an important statement about the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Please see this statement re the ACA, forwarded from Administration: ...
AFAC announces first 2015-2016 awards for adjuncts
The UMBC Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) is pleased to announce its first awards in 2015-2016 to adjunct faculty members. The awards are for research and professional development....
Facebook Groups for University of Maryland Adjuncts
Greetings All, You are invited to join the following Facebook groups for University of Maryland adjuncts: