Listed below is the membership of the Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee for UMBC 2017-2018.*
Contact information and department provided.
College of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences:
- Robert Bennett (English) (May 2018)
- Margie Burns (English) (chair) (May 2019)
- Daniel Jenkins (Philosophy) (May 2018) [resigned February 2018]
- Maggie Grieves Knisley (Sociology) (May 2019)
College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences:
- Bonnie Kegan (Math) (May 2018)
- William Slowikowski (Math) (May 2019)
College of Engineering and Information Technology:
- Paul Comitz (IFSM) (May 2018)
- Jon Squire (Computer Science and Electrical Engineering) (May 2019)
Feel welcome to stay in touch with AFAC members in your department or in your college, or with any members of the committee.
The more information and free exchange of ideas, the better. Share and keep us updated -- concerns, kudos, and/or accomplishments, etc.
*AFAC elections are held annually. Regular terms are two years. Thus about half of the committee seats may rotate at the end of each academic year. See By-laws attached (and posted at myUMBC under Files tab).
This post updates and corrects the previously posted list of AFAC for 2017-2018.