Happy new year to all adjunct faculty at UMBC. Drawing your attention especially to the announcement below:
The College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences is pleased to announce four new, College-level awards that recognize faculty excellence at all stages in a person’s career and in all aspects of the UMBC and College mission. These awards are part of a University-wide initiative, derived from the University strategic plan, to support recognition at the College level. Each award carries a one-time allocation of $2,000 in support of faculty development.
These new, College-based awards are
Early Career Faculty Excellence Award
Mid-Career Faculty Excellence Award
Excellence in Teaching Award
Adjunct Faculty Excellence Award
One award will be made annually in each category. Nominations for the Mid-Career Faculty Excellence Award, the Excellence in Teaching Award, and the Adjunct Faculty Excellence Award will be reviewed by the CAHSS Honors and Awards Committee, which will make a recommendation to the CAHSS Dean.
The deadline for nominations is February 7, 2018.
Details about eligibility and selection can be found linked here (see pdf).
See the "Resources for Faculty and Staff" section of the CAHSS website.
Please use this link to prepare and submit nominations.
[Or copy and paste the form into your browser:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdV059h5hNSepWa06it21CkneLb8pd-ni52X5QSkvD9b5rJPA/viewform ]
[This message forwarded from Dean Scott Casper, CAHSS.
N.B. Nominations are encouraged for the Adjunct Faculty Excellence Award.]