UMBC established the fund, administered annually by the AFAC, to support professional development for adjunct faculty. Individual awards are capped at $500 for the academic year. Awards reimburse the applicant for travel, conference registrations, etc., for active participants in conferences, seminars, and other professional events.
Note: The AFAC recommends successful applicants to the Provost's office. Awards are disbursed by the UMBC provost. (Apply at least 30 days before the event and request reimbursement within 10 days after participating.)
Criteria, eligibility, and conditions are posted at myUMBC: under Groups tab at top of screen, myUMBC: Go to our Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee (AFAC) group page. (Follow prompts)
Happy Thanksgiving!
Rob Bennett, MA
Chair, AFAC and the AFAC Committee