An adjunct came to us recently and shared some concerns but mentioned that she could not make our bi-weekly meetings. That inspired us to come up with an new idea: to best serve you we need to come to you.
With that being said, we are launching an AFAC Listening Tour. While we know we can't reach all adjuncts, we hope that some of you will embrace this opportunity to share your thoughts on working here at UMBC, and help our committee better serve you.
The way it will work: We will try and schedule meetings with the adjuncts in your department based on the AFAC Chair's availability. Other available members of the committee, particularly the representative of your respective college, would also attend.
Best days/times are MW after 3:45 pm and Tu/Thurs before 5:00 and after 8:30 pm. These meetings do not need to be long and if they work well, will become a regular chance for adjuncts to meet with AFAC directly at least once a semester.
If you're interested in participating, or the adjuncts in your department, email Rob Bennett (AFAC Chair) at to set-up a time that will work for the majority of your adjunct faculty, and within the above times and days.
We look forward to hearing your voices and better do our work on your behalf as a part of shared governance here at UMBC.