The Office of Center Administration and Management (OCAM) has opened an internal position search for a Director. The search is open internally to UMBC staff. If you are interested in viewing the...
September 3, 2020
1:55 PM
Good Afternoon, As a follow up to our most recent Business Administrators Meeting (BAM), we would like to receive your feedback as well as suggestions for future meetings. Please take a few...
December 18, 2019
11:45 AM
Good Afternoon, Attached is the BAM agenda for the meeting next Tuesday, 12/3/2019. The meeting will begin promptly at 8:45am. A light breakfast will be available beginning at 8:30am. ...
November 25, 2019
4:47 PM
The BAM meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, December 3, 2019. The meeting will be held in the AOK Library 7th Floor. The meeting will begin promptly at 8:45 am. A light breakfast will be...
November 7, 2019
12:01 PM
Hero for hire
The office of International Education Services is look to hire an individual who is familiar with UMBC business practices and software. The position is a contingent I with the possibility of...
October 1, 2019
10:09 AM
Attached is the meeting agenda for Thursday, May 16th. The meeting will be held in UC 312. A light breakfast will be available beginning at 8:30am. The meeting will begin at 9:00am.
May 14, 2019
12:53 PM
The next BAM meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 16, 2019. It will be held in UC312. A light breakfast will be served starting at 8:30 a.m. The meeting will be from 9 a.m.- 11 a.m. The...
April 25, 2019
9:31 AM
COLA Exceptions Departments must provide information to HR by 12/14 on graduate assistants who should not receive the COLA in January and April of 2019. Please see attachment with...
December 5, 2018
3:37 PM
The presentations from the BAM meeting yesterday, 12/4/18, have been uploaded into the 12/4/2018 file folder on the BAM group page. Additionally, the link for the E-Pro video was not included. ...
December 5, 2018
3:24 PM
Attached is the agenda for tomorrows BAM meeting in UC 312. A light breakfast will be available starting at 8:30 a.m. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m.
December 3, 2018
11:59 AM