How much space do you want work to occupy in your life? What are your personal and professional priorities right now? What does balance look like for you? This dinner will be an opportunity to develop honest answers to those questions in the company of your favorite colleagues.
We’ll talk about tiny hacks you might apply to make your work more manageable; the larger principles we use to decide how to reconcile the many demands for our time, attention, and resources; as well as the structural reasons why finding sustainable balance can be such a challenge.
Dinner at State Fare (748 Frederick Road in Catonsville) is on us! Drinks are on you! We’ll meet at 6:00 and plan to be done around 8:30.
We want to choose a date that works for as many people as possible. Please use this Doodle poll to indicate your availability; we’ll take a “Yes” as your RSVP and make reservations accordingly. If you'd like to attend, please respond by Tuesday, November 12, at 9:00 a.m.
We hope you’ll be able to join us!