Dear All:
Many of you may have heard through your faculty senators by now that our faculty senate president, Orianne Smith is gathering information and questions to pose to the provost's office regarding, as she says, "the caregiving crisis and what UMBC can do (in addition to the support plans shared at the senate) to help faculty/staff who are struggling to balance their caregiving duties with their working lives."
She has invited faculty to to share "feedback, questions, suggestions" and to send her "specific examples/stories of the challenges that individual faculty members are being confronted with." She is gathering this to share (with names redacted).
I assume that you have been forwarded this email from your faculty senators, but Rebecca and I also wanted to urge you to share your questions, stories, and feedback with Orianne.
Please email her at by Tuesday, 8/18, at 10:00 a.m. at the latest so that she can compile this information in time for a meeting with the provost's office.
Many thanks and have a wonderful weekend!
Tamara and Rebecca