Name: Noor Amin
Internship, Co-op or Research Site:Maryland House of Delegates
Position Title: Constituent Services Intern
Major(s)/Minor(s): Political Science
Tell us about your internship, co-op, or research opportunity, including your day-to-day responsibilities.
I work for the office of Brooke Lierman, delegate of district 46. My primary job is to communicate with constituents and inform them about the current bills that are being proposed. My job also includes substantial research on the pros and cons of specific policy measures. I then present these to the delegate when requested.
Describe the process of obtaining your internship, research, or co-op opportunity.
I applied via UMBCworks. I had my resume approved from Career Center. After applying, I had an interview over the phone.
Which of the following resources did you use to find your current experience?
UMBC Career Center and UMBCworks.
What have you enjoyed the most about your position or organization/company?
I get to be part of this year's legislative session. I have met some very important people while working at the House of Delegates. I love hearing from constituents and seeing how past bills have impacted them.
How do you believe you have made an impact through your work?
On a few occasions, I helped solve the problems of constituents. For example, a month ago, a constituent called about not receiving "homeowner's credit." I then called the agency directly responsible for giving out the money. The issue was soon resolved. As a result, I felt empowered. I was able to use my position to help someone in need. It was spectacular.
What advice would you give to another student who is seeking an internship or similar experience?
Work hard. Know your priorities. Work always comes first.
Please provide a short reflection or quote about what you liked most about your position.
I was able to make a positive contribution in the lives of Maryland residents.
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