Want to learn more about career opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry? Attend the CBEE Seminar Series with James A. Breen Jr., PE; Janseen Pharmaceuticals.
Event details:
Mr. James A. Breen, Jr, PE
Vice President; Lead, Biologics Expansion
Janssen Pharmaceuticals
"Career Opportunities in the Pharmaceutical Industry"
Monday, October 16, 2017
12:00 PM
ENGR 027 (Lecture Hall 5), UMBC
12:00 PM
ENGR 027 (Lecture Hall 5), UMBC
The Pharmaceutical Industry allows individuals to have a wide variety of career options. This seminar will define the career opportunities available in the Pharmaceutical Industry with special focus on the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain. The speaker will outline his career, background, and global experience while working with Johnson & Johnson, and supporting the industry via the International Society of Pharmaceutical Engineers (ISPE). He will also discuss how to continually prepare yourself for changes that will come to this industry as technological advances continue to accelerate. The seminar will discuss how to leverage your network in both work and industry organization settings.
Registration is not required.