This year, STRiVE will take place from January 8 - 12, 2018.
STRiVE is an intensive and engaging off-campus leadership retreat (5 days, 4 nights) developed to inspire students to become more effective leaders on campus and in their lives. The STRiVE coaches (consisting of 13 UMBC students and staff) tailor a curriculum that encourages the 60 participants to make new friends, learn about themselves, reflect on values and ethics, work in teams to develop practical plans for making a difference on campus, and tackle both simulated and real leadership challenges. Nearly 100% of all STRiVERS would recommend STRiVE to a friend!
What is STRiVE?
STRiVE is an intensive, engaging and exhilarating off-campus leadership retreat (5 days, 4 nights) developed by UMBC to help students become more effective leaders on campus and throughout their lives. The STRiVE planning team (consisting of UMBC students and faculty/staff) believes everyone can develop leadership skills and abilities. STRiVE participants will make new friends, learn about themselves, reflect on values and ethics, work in teams to develop practical plans for making a difference on campus and in society, and tackle both simulated and real leadership challenges. The STRiVE experience will include a bonfire, challenge course, games and other fun activities.
Do I have to be an “involved” student to attend STRiVE?
Absolutely not! STRiVE will be helpful to any student regardless of previous involvement or leadership experience. No prior experience is necessary! We are looking for a diverse group of students committed to developing their leadership skills and applying them to create positive change in the campus community. The application asks about campus involvement only to give the STRiVE planning team a sense of the different perspectives participants will bring to the retreat.
When is STRiVE?
The dates for STRiVE will be January 8 - 12, 2018.
Where is STRiVE being held?
STRiVE will be held at Skycroft Conference Center in Middletown, Maryland. Participants will stay in motel-style rooms (sharing rooms with 1 other student) and all activities will be held on site.
How much does it cost to attend STRiVE?
UMBC covers most of the cost of each participant’s attendance. However, there is a $100 participation fee that helps cover some of the cost of transportation, lodging and food. Money should not be a barrier to attendance, however, and there is a section of the application where any participant can request financial assistance.
What is the “Vision Selection”?
STRiVE participants will devote a portion of the retreat to developing plans to make an impact in connection with an issue or problem about which they feel passionate. During STRiVE orientation, participants are asked to choose the topic that most interests them so they can be placed in a group of students with similar interests, but there will be plenty of opportunities to interact with all STRiVEparticipants. Please note that the planning team will make every effort to place participants according to their choices; however, we are unable to guarantee participants any specific topic at this time. We encourage participants to be open-minded and flexible when considering their Vision Selection.
When is the application due?
Applications will be available on Oct 16 and due on November 5. Applications will be found at
When will are accepted applicants informed?
Applicants will receive an email in late-November about with additional details about participating in STRiVE.
How can I find out more information about STRiVE?
STRiVE is brought to you by Student Life and the Student Government Association (SGA). For additional information, please contact Corinne Janet at