Under Armour’s Career Combine is a selective early career program for 1st-3rd year college students to have an opportunity to experience UA from the inside. You’ll spend 3 days at our Global Headquarters learning the business, developing your critical thinking and problem solving skills, and preparing for a career in your field of choice upon graduation.
The UA Career Combine includes 5 areas:
- The Brand - Understand UA's history, our story, our products, and our consumers
- The Business - Learn from our teams, and apply your knowledge to our challenges
- Career Skills - Build presentations & interview skills, grow as leaders, enhance your resume
- Networking - Meet teammates with similar interests who can provide guidance & mentorship
- Competition - Compete in teams and present ideas and solutions to our leaders
To participate you must:
- Be a current student at a 2- or 4-year college in your 1st-3rd academic year
- Be able to attend the entire program (January 2-4, 2019) at the UA Global Headquarters
- Have graduated from a Maryland Public, Private, or Charter High School
- Have achieved at least a 3.0 High School GPA or at least a 2.75 college GPA (if applicable)
- Involved on campus, active in the community, or employed part-time
- Have a career interest in fashion or design, retail, business areas such as finance, sales, human resources, supply chain, merchandising, product development, law or technology
To apply (Deadline 11/30/2018 T 11:59PM ET):
- Complete the online application at: https://goo.gl/forms/isV3HCYWVnwkxkj32
- Submit a 1-page resume saved as either a .docx or .pdf
- Submit an essay in 400 words or less, saved as either a .docx or .pdf, that answers the following: Describe a time you had to motivate a peer or teammate to achieve a common goal
Please save all documents in the following format:
Ex) Bakari.Boone.Resume.docx
Ex) Bakari.Boone.Essay.pdf
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do you have a preferred resume format?
A: Use whatever format works best to illustrate your background and experiences that includes your current graduation month and year, as well as your cumulative GPA. We like a number of different formats, but strongly recommend condensing your resume to 1 page and saving it in .pdf or .docx format. You could review http://bit.ly/demo-resume-template as a starting point.
Q: What are the program dates and times?
A: The program will run from 8:30AM to 5:30PM on January 2, 3 and 4. Participants must be able to attend the program in its entirety.
Q: How do I get to the Under Armour Global Headquarters?
A: Participants are expected to provide their own transportation or take mass transit and must arrive on time to experience the program in full.
Q: Is there any cost to participate in this program?
A: No. Although program participants are not compensated for their time at UA, there is no cost to participate if selected.
Q: What is the application timeline?
A: Students will be notified of their selection before 5:00PM ET on December 18, 2018.
Q: How is the program structured?
A: Students will be placed in small teams for the duration of the program in order to complete the business challenge presented at the outset of the program. Additionally, students will participate in career workshops, networking opportunities, teambuilding and Give Back activities, and tours of UAs facilities in and around the Baltimore Area.
Q: How many participants will be selected?
A: We expect no more than 40 participants in this year’s program.
Q: What if I have a question not answered here?
A: Email careercombine@underarmour.com and our team will get back to you with an answer!