Welcome back, everyone! I hope your break was good and you all had a healthy and happy start to the new year. With the first week of classes behind us, it's time to get back in the swing of things and start working on career goals once again.
With any luck, you’re not too busy at the beginning of the semester, so it’s a great time to get a few things squared away. First, update your resume. Include projects you completed over break or last semester, a more recent GPA, and a more recent list of relevant coursework to name a few. As always, consider coming into the Career Center for more specific advice. We’re hosting our Resume Rescue event on February 6th and 12th, and we’d love to see you there! Next, begin preparing for our Career Fair! Be sure to put it on your calendar (February 15th from 11:30-3:30 at the RAC) and begin researching companies that will be in attendance. I’ll write a longer guide next week; be sure to keep an eye out for it! Finally, be sure to get a few more job or internship applications in before classes get too hectic. A lot of companies deadlines are approaching fast, so the sooner you can apply the better!
After you’ve done all that, take a minute to plan so your semester will go a little more smoothly. Research the deadlines for your favorite internships. There's nothing worse than realizing you’ll have to wait an extra year to apply. Consider scheduling an appointment with a Career Counselor here at the center to discuss career goals or even have a mock interview. Take a look at our upcoming events while you’re at it! Put them on your calendar now so you won’t forget. There's a lot of fun stuff coming up in the next few months, like an On The Road to the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab and a workshop on personal branding. And if you haven’t done so already, sign up for the BEYA Career Fair and Conference. It’s a free career fair with over 50 workshops. Sign up here!
I hope you all had an easy start to your semesters! Join me next week where I’ll be discussing how to make the most of the Spring Career Fair.