If you are interested in ecology, conservation & environmental science, then the The National Science Foundation (NSF) Bahama Oriole Project is for you!
The goals of this NSF-project are to train students in conservation biology and ecology, and to increase the diversity of students conducting environmental science research. Project focuses on the critically endangered Bahama Oriole, which is restricted to Andros Island in The Bahamas.
Cohorts of five undergraduate students will travel to the Bahamas for 5 weeks to conduct independent field research (May 25-June 29). Students will return to UMBC for 5 weeks of data analysis, presentations, and writing (July 8-Aug. 9).
WHEN? Summers 2019-2021
WHO? Anyone interested in ecology, conservation & environmental science
WHAT? Exciting fieldwork, early mornings, bugs, radio tracking birds
ALSO! Amazing forests, snorkeling in coral reefs, Bahamanian culture
CLASS? Summer following sophomore year preferably.
(Freshman and Juniors, too!)
GENEROUS STIPEND? YES! Along with travel and living expenses!
APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: Email the following to: omland@umbc.edu
- Resume (1-2 pages)
- Unofficial Transcript
- References (2-3)
- Application (attached) - [Subject line: IRES Application]
QUESTIONS? Contact Dr. Kevin Omland at omland@umbc.edu