CBF has multiple large scale, public tree planting events - planting streamside buffers on agricultural properties reduces pollution loads, prevents sediment erosion, creates wildlife habitat, sequesters carbon, and creates clean air for the surrounding community.
Clagett Farm is CBF’s regenerative working farm in Upper Marlboro, used to showcase Bay-friendly agricultural practices, a working vegetable operation, native tree nursery (where the trees we plant come from), and grass-fed cattle and sheep. This is a great place to learn about the connection between clean water, food equity, and agricultural systems.
The Baltimore Program is creating a large network of engaged citizens that are working towards a healthier harbor. Opportunities include everything from oyster gardening, litter pickup, to vacant lot greening.
The MD Oyster Restoration Center in Shady Side holds shell shaking, bagging, oyster gardening, and reef ball building events supporting efforts to restore the Eastern oyster – a critical filter and provider of habitat - in the Bay.
Check out the calendar of opportunities here!