We are pleased to announce that the application for the 2020 Biostatistics Epidemiology Summer Training (BEST) Diversity Program is now available here. BEST was established to expand and diversify the behavioral and biomedical sciences’ workforce by introducing undergraduates from underrepresented populations to biostatistics and cardiovascular and pulmonary disease research. Students representing racial and ethnic minority groups, disadvantaged backgrounds, and students with disabilities join the Department of Biostatistics at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health’s for eight weeks of research, training, academic and career planning, and social activities around New York City.
This program is for quantitatively inclined undergraduates interested in public health, who fit any of the following criteria:
1) Underrepresented students in STEM, including racial/ethnic minorities (African-Americans, Hispanic/Latino-Americans, Native Americans or Alaskan Natives)
2) Low-income students
3) First generation college students
4) Students with disabilities
We will be selecting 14 students for the Summer 2020 program which will run from May 26-July 17.
The application deadline is March 1, 2020.
For more information about BEST, please visit: publichealth.columbia.edu/BEST