Although COVID-19 has been a crazy time for everyone, we have been fortunate to have recently hired Anna Pittinger as a new member of the Career Center team. While we are disappointed that we can’t welcome her to UMBC’s physical campus right now, we are excited to have her on board and look forward to having her join us in Math/Psych 201 in the future! Take a look at the profile below to learn a little bit more about Anna.
Tell us a little about yourself. Where are you from? Where did you go to school?
I am originally from Baltimore Maryland but currently live in Annapolis MD. I went to Baltimore School for the Arts High School and graduated from Towson University with a degree in Sociology and minor in Psychology.
What did you do before coming to the Career Center?
I worked for Hyatt and Marriott Hotels as an Event and Sales Manager. I also worked for some smaller organizations as a Director of Programs and Events. In addition, I enjoy cooking and owned a small Catering Company in Arnold that did small local events.
What will you be working on at UMBC?
Career Services and Events with a focus on service and employer relationships.
What are you most excited about for your new role?
The people at UMBC! The Institution is wonderful- students, staff, employers, alumni, everyone. It is an incredible place to work because of the values and people.
Do you have a secret talent?
I was a dancer at Baltimore School for the Arts when I went to high school there and I love to cook. I was the chef and owner of my own tiny catering business.
What was your first job or internship?
First Job - TJ Maxx.
First Internship - I was and am an Albert Schweitzer Fellow.
How are you spending your COVID-19 quarantine?
Learning more about UMBC, adapting to two children at home and how to assist their awesome teachers “e-teach,” more family time, and exploring things I haven't had time to do before.
Please join us in welcoming Anna to the team! We are so happy to have her with us during this crazy time and even more excited to see her on campus.