Have a question you want to explore related to a social issue? Apply to be an Alternative Spring Break leader and develop and facilitate a trip around that question in Baltimore City!
Trips have explored a variety of questions, such as:
- How are food disparities created, perpetuated, and challenged in Baltimore City?
- What is the relationship between growth in Baltimore and the quality of life for disenfranchised residents? What can be done to address community displacement?
- How do people who have been formerly incarcerated transition back to living and working in Baltimore City? What can be done to support that transition?
- How do healthcare disparities affect Baltimoreans’ sexual health and healthy relationships?
- How do individuals with disabilities experience social injustices? What can be done to address this issue?
- What are the difficulties and barriers that people experiencing homelessness face in Baltimore and what can be done to mitigate those issues?
Trip leaders can choose from those questions or propose additional ones.
All undergraduate students are invited to apply. Leaders need to be motivated, committed, creative, and detailed-oriented to plan and lead a high quality trip. Preferred but not required: Applicants will have participated in a previous ASB trip or similar extended experiential learning program.
Applications are due October 1st.
For questions, please email Romy Hübler (romy.huebler@umbc.edu).