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Funding Opportunities for Grace Hopper Conference

Hi everyone,

As part of the effort to fundraise enough money to send all the wonderful technical ladies of UMBC to Grace Hopper 2012, I am posting scholarship announcements here.

The conference offers hundreds of scholarships to offset or completely cover the cost of attendance for students-- both undergrad and grad-- and I highly recommend applying. Junior faculty and other technical women are also eligible. Corporate sponsors and supporters also offer scholarships that can often include other perks, like Google's scholarship which includes a free trip to Google HQ in Palo Alto, CA.

So keep checking back for updates!

GHC conference scholarship competition opens in March 2012.
Hundreds of scholarships are sponsored by varous corporate and organization sponsors. Your chances of winning funding actually increase if you demonstrate that you've raised some of the funds elsewhere, so look far and wide! In the past, Facebook, Google, and Microsoft have also offered their own scholarship competitions that include conference registration and travel, as well as perks like a trip to their headquarters.

UMBC Office of Undergrad Education offers travel funding
The Office of Undergraduate Education (OUE) provides funding for students presenting research at conferences ( It looks like you would wait until your program is accepted and then apply through OUE. 

If you are applying to present at the Grace Hopper Conference in 
October, you should first apply for the GHC Scholarship, then apply for 
OUE if you do not receive the Scholarship.

CRA-W Summer Internships
Present and future participants in CRA-W REU programs during the year or summer can get funded to present their work at the Grace Hopper Conference following their research, so check out those opportunities!

Jasmine Jones
UMBC's self-appointed GHC cheerleader :)