We are now accepting applications for CWIT students interested in serving on the Bits & Bytes planning committee. Bits & Bytes is a multi-day event for high school junior women who are interested in engineering and computing (which will be fully virtual this year) which will be taking place on February 14th-15th, 2021.
Serving on a planning committee for an event of this scale is a great professional development opportunity and will help you gain unique skills to add to your resume. Additionally, it is an awesome way for you to get more involved in CWIT, as well as give back to K-12 students and share your experience/advice! The majority of the planning for the event, as well as the actual event, will occur towards the beginning of spring semester, so you don't have to worry about it interfering with midterms/finals.
If you are interested in helping plan and host this event, the committee application is here. The deadline to apply is November 13th, 2020 by 12PM. Please email Kate at kokeefe@umbc.edu if you have any questions!