UMBC's sister school to the south, the University of Maryland, College Park just announced plans for a new honors program in Cybersecurity called Advanced Cybersecurity Experience for...
June 13, 2012
8:21 AM
Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda. If you have a LinkedIn account, you probably noticed the news that 6.5 million of their passwords were leaked. While the passwords were encrypted, it's still a major...
June 8, 2012
9:20 AM
The Second Baltimore Hackathon will be held this weekend, starting at 6:00pm Friday June 8 and ending at 6:00pm Sunday. At a hackathon people get together to build a hardware or software project...
June 6, 2012
5:22 PM
Should an introductory Computer Science course fall within the cadre of General Education Requirements (GEP)—like Math, Science, and English—that are required of all undergrads? According to a...
June 5, 2012
9:28 AM
Blockly is new web-based, graphical programming language developed by Google. It's graphical in the style of Scratch in that you create a program not as a linguistic object, but by selecting and...
June 3, 2012
3:34 PM
Our department is a member of the Computing Research Association, which started in 1972 as a organization of US PhD granting CS departments and has grown to more than 220 North American...
June 1, 2012
1:35 PM
A small study by the Brookings Institution looked at the percentage of people age 25 and over in the 100 largest U.S. metro areas who held at least a bachelor’s degree in 2010, versus in...
May 31, 2012
11:07 PM
Lisbeth Salander, the girl with the dragon tattoo, is seen using SQL in the Hollywood remake. See The Girl With The ANSI Tattoo for an analysis of which DBMS this is and a critique of the queries...
May 31, 2012
10:33 AM
NIST will hold a Big Data Workshop 13-14 June 2012 in Gaithersburg to explore key national priority topics in support of the White House Big Data Initiative. The workshop is being held in...
May 31, 2012
9:39 AM
Photo Courtesy Penny Riordan That's Todd Marks up there, standing over a banner for Mindgrub Technologies. In 2002, Marks founded the Catonsville-based start-up that specializes in mobile and...
May 29, 2012
11:12 AM