Wednesday, October 21, 2015 · 1 PM - 4 PM
On Campus : Commons 331
Every graduate student needs to know the guidelines for responsible conduct of research. Depending on the discipline, students need to haveadditional training regarding rules and regulations for conducting research using animals or humans (including surveys) and details related to ownership of work. All doctoral students and all master's students should be prepared to learn about "Responsible Conduct of Research" training.
Our seminar will cover:
1) IRB Training
2) Responsible Conduct of Research Training
This seminar includes a "Work" session where graduate students and postdocs can work on their training modules so that they will be certified for responsible conduct of research in all disciplines.
- Lunch will be served.
- Wednesday, October 21, 2015. 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM.
- Commons 331
12:45 PM - Registration and Food - Room 331
1:00 PM - Overview of the IRB and RCR process - Room 331
~1:45 - Begin working on the certification modules - Room 331 & 329
- Faculty and Postdocs who need to work on their certifications are also welcome to join in Commons 329. Room 329 will also serve as the overflow space for graduate student who need room to work on their certifications
Workshop Facilitator: Timothy Sparklin, CIM, CIP, Campus Compliance Officer
Please RSVP on the following link: