This notice is to inform you of upcoming system outages that Facilities Management is planning in order to perform repairs to critical systems. This notice is being sent to Chairs and Building Managers. VPs and Deans will also receive this notice via the VP and Deans group.
Please forward this notice to anyone that may not be included in the previously mentioned groups.
As always, if staff or faculty feel that an outage can not be supported, please email me with the concern so that we can attempt to mitigate the concerns and keep the outages on track.
Campus Wide Power Outage:
December 29th 6am - 4pm
Baltimore Gas and Electric and UMBC have identified Sunday December 29th to conduct a campus wide power outage in order to complete three repairs, which were identified through a comprehensive inspection of their electrical distribution system. This is the only campus wide power outage needed to complete these repairs.
The TRC will not lose power during this outage.
Brief High Temperature Hot Water (HTHW) outages:
December 30th 9am - 11am and 5pm - 6pm
January 4th 7am - 10am
These brief HTHW outages will allow FM to replace an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) at the central plant. On 22 July 19 FM suffered a HTHW outage for two days due to damage to our ATS at the central plant. FM has been using a rental ATS while a new ATS was being built. These outages will allow FM to install the new ATS and restore the central plant to normal operation.
Building occupants may see temperatures within their spaces drop a couple of degrees during these outages, but temperatures will return to normal quickly.
Chilled Water System Outage:
January 6th through January 10th
Maintenance to replace six valves in the Chilled Water System will be completed during this outage. FM is also installing a new valve during this outage, which will allow future maintenance of this nature to be performed without the need for a system wide outage.
The Chilled Water System will be turned off at 7am on 6 Jan and will be turned back on by 5pm 10 Jan.
During this 5 day outage, no processed chilled water will be available.
There will be little noticeable difference to building temperatures during this outage.
High Temperature Hot Water (HTHW) Outage:
22 May 20 - 05 June 20
Maintenance to replace many components within the HTHW loop will be completed.
FM contracted an engineering study of our HTHW system, following the October 2018 system failure, and will complete recommended system alterations during this outage.
During this outage buildings will feel cooler than normal due to losing the ability to reheat with HTHW. Many buildings will also not have domestic hot water available during this outage. FM and ESH will be monitoring building temperatures as well as humidity throughout this outage.