The UMBC Training Center (located in Columbia, MD) is hosting a free series of biweekly talks and workshops during breakfast and happy hour.
What to Expect:
Great coffee or good beer.
Quick-hit presentation about something fascinating.
A chance to chat and build your community.
FEB 8 Failure is the Only Option
Presenter: Rick Milter
It's time to reconsider how we use "failure." We often hear it used one-dimensionally, in the context of an inherent deficiency or irreversible mistake. At this session, we'll nuance the discussion a bit to explore the other side of failure - how failure, understood properly, greatly contributes to our growth.
When he isn’t working at the Center for Leadership and Innovation, Rick is a professor and faculty director of capstone programs at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. He has served previously as interim chair of professional programs and director of MBA programs. His personal management experiences include positions in the construction, retail, housing, and consulting industries.
Serving cold beer for Happy Hour
FEB 22 Gamification
Presenter: Liz Bauman
What sets the reward receptors in your brain buzzing? Let’s take a look at how game design and theory motivates us to do more, consume more – and to do it competitively – in this quick hit presentation all about gamification.
Liz Bauman is a marketing nerd with more than 10 years’ experience in email, social, and web strategy. When she’s not working on UMBC Training Centers’ marketing strategy, she’s probably playing, designing, or otherwise thinking about games.
Brewing Fresh & Hot Coffee
MAR 8 Internet of Things Demo
Presenter: Tim Finholm
The "Internet of Things" crops up frequently in technology publications, yet remains generally misunderstood, its implications hazy and impact unclear. While we all use the Internet, and clearly have a working understanding of 'things,' how exactly are these two working in tandem when we talk about the Internet of Things? This talk will set out to define our terms and address the services we're provided and risks we're exposed to as we move into the IoT era.
Tim Finholm currently works with the cybersecurity-focused company SIXGEN. Tim has been interested in computers and computer security since the creation of the von Neumann machine and is currently working on projects using Objective-C and Swift.
Serving cold beer for Happy Hour
MAR 22 DevOps Panel
Presenter: Tim Finholm
The "Internet of Things" crops up frequently in technology publications, yet remains generally misunderstood, its implications hazy and impact unclear. While we all use the Internet, and clearly have a working understanding of 'things,' how exactly are these two working in tandem when we talk about the Internet of Things? This talk will set out to define our terms and address the services we're provided and risks we're exposed to as we move into the IoT era.
Tim Finholm currently works with the cybersecurity-focused company SIXGEN. Tim has been interested in computers and computer security since the creation of the von Neumann machine and is currently working on projects using Objective-C and Swift.
Serving cold beer for Happy Hour
MAR 22 DevOps Panel
We’re bringing together professionals with experience in DevOps conceptualization, design, and implementation to discuss the range of DevOps applications, success stories, and how organizations can avoid common pitfalls when adopting DevOps methodologies.
Panel TBD - check back for details!
Brewing Fresh & Hot Coffee
Panel TBD - check back for details!
Brewing Fresh & Hot Coffee