This is a position that means a lot to Joshua Gray and the greater UMBC Community. Our UMBC Community deserves a leader that is willing to put in an immense amount of work to ensure the success of student organizations moving forward. Joshua Gray is the type of student with the foresight, diligence, and strategic programmatic efforts to ensure that student organizations no longer get the short end of the stick.
Whether it be training officers, holding events, continuing with service-based projects, upholding our focus on celebrating cultures, or simply continuing to show up in spaces to further the magical and powerful work being done at UMBC -- we will need someone with conviction to help find solutions to the difficult problems facing student organization.
For our collective dedication to our student organization, I am asking for your support. There are four days left until the start of the voting period. I am asking for your help in advertising my campaign. Attached you will find a few posts that can be made on social media to get the word out about his candidacy.
Over the next week, I am asking that as a unit, we share his promise to UMBC of restoring the health of our student organizations and helping them navigate the uncertain future.
- The Officers of ISCOM Endorse Joshua Gray