Thanks for the great turnout at our Health IT Event today! Looking forward to the Reverse Career Fair (this Wednesday, 12:30-3:30pm) we have extremely important information, listed below:
- Please show up at the UC Ballroom no later than 12:05 pm. Though the Fair starts later, the Career Center requires everyone there early.
- BRING MULTIPLE RESUMES COPIES This goes without saying at a Career Fair, but those 65+ employers are asking for your resume- bring at least 10, if not 15 copies.
- We realize we haven't prepped people to talk about ISCOM so to correct that ASAP, we'll be issuing a 30-second elevator pitch that you can use when employers ask you about it. Sing it in your your shower, tape it to your steering wheel, do whatever you need to memorize it for Wednesday. Expect to see it this afternoon via email.
And that's it for the Reverse Career Fair!
The New Officer Application to join ISCOM's Board is now available. Please fill it out if you're interested in getting more involved on-campus with the StudentOrg purpose-built for your major! Afraid you won't have enough time next Fall (or Spring) to commit to a club? No worries! Just select "Other" on our application and indicate what your availability is and how you'd like to help ISCOM.
Have a great start to your week
~Your ISCOM Executive Board