Welcome everyone! (Calendar linked at bottom)
We'll have our first General Body Meeting (GBM #1) on next Monday Feb. 11th in ITE 241 from 12:00- 1:00 pm. In this meeting we'll go over:
- ISCOM Swag (Long Sleeve Tees and Professional Polos)
- Upcoming Events (Company Recruiting, Study Hours, etc.)
- Co-sponsored Workshops w/CWIT
- Community Service Opportunities
- And more!
We'll also be introducing our new E-Board members for the Spring '19 semester and field your questions about events, how things run and anything else you need answered.
Always remember- Internships. Events. ISCOM.
We kick off our first industry month with Cybersecurity Month on Wednesday of this week (Feb. 13th, 12-1pm, ITE 241). There, Dr. Richard Forno will give a presentation and lead audience members through a Crash Course into the field of Cybersecurity. It's a session you don't want to miss!
And last, but not least... here is the Spring '19 Events Calendar!
Hope to see you all soon,
~Your ISCOM Executive Board